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Monday, November 21, 2011

Six weeks on Weight Watchers!!

It's the beginning of our sixth week on Weight Watchers, and I'm feeling good! Yesterday I was down to 219.0, and after an extremely busy day filled with lots of bad, but yummy food choices (including some delicious pizza I just couldn't pass up), I am only up 0.4 pounds this morning, which is fairly insignificant to me in the grand scheme of things and just gives me more confidence that I can make this new lifestyle work for me.  The weight loss has slowed down considerably, which I have been prepared for, so now I need to work Phase II into my plan-amping up my physical activity! This should not be too hard-after all, I have a treadmill right next to me as I write this-but anyone can make an excuse for anything, and I am really good at that!  I love the treadmill, however, and I know how good it makes me feel, so I am going to schedule in my 'training time' so that I do it.  I learned from someone very close to me that if you don't schedule your walks, runs, whatever you happen to be doing for exercise, you won't do it, so that's my plan.  This week is going to be crazy with Thanksgiving and trying to get things done ahead of that, so I'm not expecting much of myself in that arena.  

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving and getting to indulge for one day!  My plan of attack is to eat small portions of all the things I like and try to work in some veggies where I can.  My weight loss means too much to me to go gung-ho and gorge myself like I used to do every year.  Besides, I can't eat nearly as much as I used to, so that should work in my favor.

Can't wait to see family on Thursday and enjoy the holiday.  Enjoy yours too, my friends and family, and thanks for your support and encouragement!  I love you all!

Note: I have decided to weigh myself once a week from now on, following the advice of many people, because I just want to focus on this journey and not on the scale, and weighing daily is pretty hard on my emotions when the numbers don't change the way I want them to.  So weekly weigh-in will be on Friday mornings from now on.

Steph's progress:

Starting weight: 237.5 lbs

Current weight: 219.4 lbs

Total weight loss: 18.1 lbs

Jake's progress:

Starting weight: 290 lbs

Current weight: 268 lbs

Total weight loss: 22 lbs


  1. Awesome! I look very forward to keeping up with you journey through this blog. Keep posting and keep passionate about you new lifestyle :) I love you!

  2. I love you too, and thanks for your encouragement! See you Wednesday!!
