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Monday, November 28, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Massacre (or, Week Seven on Weight Watchers)

It's the beginning of Week Seven on Weight Watchers, and I have never been so glad to be back on the horse, as it were.  Thanksgiving was going to be a big problem for me weight wise.  I was prepared ahead of time for the setback it would likely bring, and I wasn't disappointed.  I started Thanksgiving morning at my lowest weight to date (218.5), a total loss of nearly 20 pounds, but it was to be short-lived!  After a day filled with indulgences (and believe me, I enjoyed every one of them!), I was in some serious pain.  My stomach cannot handle what I wanted to eat, and it let me know after the big meal was over.  I couldn't eat more than half my plate as it was, but I was still feeling the pain afterward.

The morning after Thanksgiving, which was supposed to be my first weekly weigh-in, I came in at a whopping 224.2, a gain of almost seven pounds of water weight!! Crazy, right? It took my ankles two days to come back down to normal, where they were extremely swollen after Thanksgiving, likely due to the incredibly increased salt intake over those two days I was visiting my grandparents.  By yesterday, I was down to 219.6, having flushed (literally) all that extra bloat away.  So I'm almost back to where I was before Thanksgiving.  This taught me a very important lesson about indulging.  It is almost never worth it to me to get to eat anything I want  because I will most assuredly gain weight as a result, not to mention the extreme discomfort that comes from eating the things I always used to eat.  The short-term delight that came from eating all of that food was just that, short-term.  Food, while it can be delicious, just isn't worth sacrificing my health over.  Even Jake said yesterday, "Food just isn't as important to me as it used to be."  Food used to be my idol of choice; I would literally think about my next meal while I was eating a meal.  To break free from that idolatry is priceless to me.

Current stats:

Starting weight: 237.5
Current weight: 219.4

Total loss: 18.1 lbs

Starting weight: 290.0
Current weight: 263.6

Total loss: 26.4 lbs