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Friday, February 10, 2012

Big news!!

Today is a fantastic day for us!!! Jake hit the 50 pound mark and then 2 pounds more, bringing his total weight loss to 52 pounds! So awesome!

I am 0.3 pounds away from getting back to the 30-pound mark and feeling great! Jake and I have both been way more active, and seeing Jake jogging on the treadmill just makes me SO happy! It's like a whole new husband, and I love it!

The biggest news of all (at least for me) is that I'm going to begin the Couch to 5k training program on Monday, something I'm really excited about!  I've never had a goal to work toward where fitness is concerned, and I have an awesome mentor in my Uncle Paul, who ran across the country in 2011, and also my cousin Brittany, an avid runner as well.  And I now have something to focus on while I'm training: the OC Marathon 5k on May 6! I am so excited to have something to work for and I know it will feel AWESOME when I am able to run 3.1 miles, something I have never been able to do ever!!